Kröner Stärke GmbH



At the focal point between society and the environment is the economy and, in particular, industrial companies like us,
We are a microcosm, a mirror of society, in a perpetual process of change. Only what we change and achieve on a small scale can also succeed on a large scale. This knowledge of our self-efficacy motivates us to take responsibility and help shape a needs-based food culture that nourishes people with natural and safe food while using and preserving the power of nature.

Only resilient ecological and economic systems and a balanced interaction between people, nature and technology form the foundation on which we can find individual solutions for our customers in the long term through expertise, experience and creativity. Purely natural processes, partnership-based cooperation, a constant willingness to innovate and the promotion of anticipation as well as a clear commitment to organic food production are the principles that enable us to be fit for the future and drive our sustainable development. Production

Our production is close to nature and aims to fully exploit the natural power of the raw materials used and to preserve it in the final product. We want to preserve this strength of nature by promoting organic farming, efficient logistics and striving for a positive impact of our production on the environment.
By carefully and knowledgeably observing highly technical processes, we are constantly discovering new potential. Be it the replacement of machine parts, changes to settings in process sequences, alternative uses for heat or by-product streams or research into completely new technologies: we are prepared to make investments that promise to further develop our production sustainably and close internal cycles. the Value Chain

We are part of a network of suppliers, partners, customers and associations with whom we do business, think and develop together. This loyal, sometimes long-standing collaboration is based on trust, respect and transparency. The preservation of independence and cultural differences as well as the exchange of knowledge complement economic interests. We believe that fair pricing and market responses, clear information and contracts as well as compliance with high social standards are the basis for responsible participation in the global market.
Our raw materials are exclusively of natural origin.
The wheat grows and matures in the field until it is harvested in summer.
The harvested wheat grains are delivered whole to the mill, where they are then ground and processed into flour.
Every day, hundreds of thousands of kilograms of flour are delivered to us in 25,000 kg silo trucks.
Before the flour is processed by us, its quality is checked in our laboratory.
Spring water from the Bocketal is treated in our filter system and fed into the production process.
Through various physical processes, the flour in our production is divided into its main components with the help of water: Starch and gluten.
If necessary, the products are bagged in our logistics center and stored until they are loaded.
The goods leave our yard in silo trucks, as bagged goods or BigBags and are delivered to our customers.
Our customers process our products into baked goods and animal feed, among other things.
These products are then ready for sale in retail stores.

...for People

Our entrepreneurial activities strive for the holistic well-being of people: our employees, the consumers of our products and the people in the region. We offer a meaningful workplace and encourage the individual self-realization of our employees through appreciative leadership. By manufacturing dietary products, we want to enable affected people to lead a healthy and unrestricted life. We are committed to our location in Bocketal, support local and national projects and help to shape the Teutoburger Wald recreational area.
Would you like to find out more about our idea of sustainable responsibility?
Find out more with our guidelines.